So before I post the iron oxide canvas I thought I would let you know how I did it

First I painted a small canvas with Black Guesso ( ignore the messy workspace) add some iron oxide

this is the finished sculpy clay piece with the iron oxide painted on

I used my beeswax for added depth

Can't forget Big Daddy's idea for the fake eyelases

Here is the canvas with just the black guesso and no iron oxide as you can see it is has a glare to it

Sculpey and some plastic forms

The piece without the iron oxide big difference

Next I used some skinner blend clay for her hair

You have to bake the iron oxide on so unless you have a dedicated over DO NOT USE IN YOUR HOME OVEN AS IT WILL SMOKE. After watching Tim he uses his UTEE pot so ... I did too and it works
Now for the finished piece
Hi Veronica, just stopping by to say hi to my SBS-11 Sister, you have a great blog and I can't wait to see more :) Stop by my blog and say hi!
Great photos. It does look fairly easy. I might be able to do that! Thank you for your tutorial.
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