What a day? Let me say that again....What a day
First off I am walking in the parking lot and my feet missed the speed bump so guess who went down? ME ME ME
Broke my glasses, bruised (update hairline fracture) on those two ribs and needed two stiches but I opted for Steri STrips othewise I would have a scar to match my other one.
But hey at least I wasn't chewing gum at the time. The Dr. said I would be in severe pain for two weeks at a minimum not for the head but the ribs. How stupid am I?????
I so wanted to come home tonight and work on my altered book but instead I will be nursing two ribs and popping pain pills.
oiy vey
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Saturday, April 26, 2008
Inky Fingers and all today
Working on my altered book for Jeri and in a rut. I am thinking Herbs hummmmmmmmm. Got one whole page done and three started. When using inks to color pages...you have inky fingers. Will post new art tomorrow. Can't post the book but will post some other stuff I have been working on. Sending out a huge order for Copic Markers tomorrow. Laurel and Carolyn (kariberry) and I are placing a huge order for those silly things. I do have to say it is the best way to ever color anything.
Thursday, April 24, 2008
Even more
I just listed about 30 more stamps many are of Darcie Country Folk stamps that are no longer available and a really unique sun through the forest stamps along with some cute and artsy seasonal stamps. Check them out.
Whew almost done with all my excess then I can buy buy buy buy more...
Whew almost done with all my excess then I can buy buy buy buy more...
Sunday, April 20, 2008
Oooopppsss She did again
Friday, April 18, 2008
look what came in today
For Molly Toni's Mom
For Molly
I used the glideabella stamp from www.stampingbella.com and of course my copic markers. Hope you like her

I used the glideabella stamp from www.stampingbella.com and of course my copic markers. Hope you like her
Holy smokes welcome
I just noticed on the side that I have visitors from all over the world. WELCOME... I hope you find what you are looking for. I enjoy painting, stamping, and just creating art for friends. I also will just ramble on some days. So welcome and leave a message let me know something about you. My life is an open book here on this blog which I am sorry to say is getting full. When the time comes and I have to start a new blog I will let you all know where to go. I went back and deleted some pictures to allow for new. But hey..... what is a girl to do? Blogger only allows so much memory right????
Anyway, seriously I would love to hear from everyone. Don't be a stranger. I have met some wonderful people off this blog and enjoy so much the time we have spent.
We share art, stories, rare finds and just everyday ramblings.
hugs to all
Anyway, seriously I would love to hear from everyone. Don't be a stranger. I have met some wonderful people off this blog and enjoy so much the time we have spent.
We share art, stories, rare finds and just everyday ramblings.
hugs to all
well you can kinda get the idea
Thursday, April 17, 2008
Card for Charles
Wow when it rains it pours
I'v been tagged by Susan
Humm list 7 random things about myself.....
1. My husband is my best friend and I would rather spend time with him than anyone
2. I would kill for a sprinkles cupcake from http://www.sprinklescupcakes.com/
3. I also love zucchini bread but rarely have it since I don't know how to make it
4. I can catch fish with the best of the men and most days catch many many more.
5. When I was little my grandfather would make me popcorn bread. I never called it cornbread it was always popcorn bread
6. I can read a paperback book in three days during my lunch break. I sit in my car and read
7. I love shabby chic but my home is fishing lodge theme but when we move up north for good I will have a shabby chic studio
so now I will tag Erica at http://doodlingart.blogspot.com/
1. My husband is my best friend and I would rather spend time with him than anyone
2. I would kill for a sprinkles cupcake from http://www.sprinklescupcakes.com/
3. I also love zucchini bread but rarely have it since I don't know how to make it
4. I can catch fish with the best of the men and most days catch many many more.
5. When I was little my grandfather would make me popcorn bread. I never called it cornbread it was always popcorn bread
6. I can read a paperback book in three days during my lunch break. I sit in my car and read
7. I love shabby chic but my home is fishing lodge theme but when we move up north for good I will have a shabby chic studio
so now I will tag Erica at http://doodlingart.blogspot.com/
New Art coming
Later tonight I will be posting my Altered Art book and my latest card to Charlie as well as a few more ATC's. be on the lookout.. hugs all
So, the last two days I was in Richmond and across the street from the store was a Michaels. My Mike's never has this magazine but I thought hey I have a 50% off coupon and maybe just maybe they will have the new Somerset workshop mag and guess what? THEY DID so I bought it and duhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh what a dissapointment. There really is only one thing I will try. Oh well.....
Ummmmm some new rubber
I got all this rubber to work with... Do you see the western stamps on the right side? Those are for cards for Charlie. In the middle are a bunch of recipe stamps. And off to the left are some different stamps for me. I never do the really artsy stuff but thought I would go outside my comfort level and try them.
Bella came today to visit
Another cool mail day woo hoo
Monday, April 14, 2008
Tons of Wood Mounted Really cool stamps
Just listed on ETSY tons of brand new Wood Mounted never used stamps. I have to clear all these out to make room for new. Plus I never ever ever used any of them. Oh well..... anyway I also offered a discount on the STampin Up sets. If any of my blog friends want them I will offer you guys 20% off any of them. I just gotta get rid of some of these stamps to make room for all the new ones.
Oh by the way I am off to Richmond for a few days and won't be back until Thursday. I will then start posting all my new art. Hugs all
Oh by the way I am off to Richmond for a few days and won't be back until Thursday. I will then start posting all my new art. Hugs all
Friday, April 11, 2008
Okay for your fairy loving folks
I have three of these little ladies they work with sizzix too. 6.95 each and shipping will be 1.45 email me at Vrosenshein@aol.com I have one of these listed on etsy but I have three.....
New Etsy Shop
I have so many Stampin Up retired sets that I thought I would try and sell them on ETSY as well as oh let's say 500 stamps. So in the upcoming months you may want to check here for some great deals. http://www.etsy.com/shop.php?user_id=5649465
My rare find
So for those of you who like these little guys I came across the very first issue of Brenda-Lee Laing's The Tear Necessities book
I have seven of these that I am selling for what I paid for them plus shipping. So, first come first serve here on my blog otherwise I will sell them on Etsy.
I bought them for 14.95 plus shipping will be 2.00 so for $16.95 you can have a copy of these. Now here is the deal I am only going to offer these to my blogging family first if they don't sell by next Thursday I will be putting them all on ETSY.
I think if you look on ebay you will be surprised for what they sell there.
Welcome to my home dear little metal friend
Gotta love TJMAXX.....
Sunday, April 6, 2008
The mother load of postage stamps
This group that I belong to is having a swap of postage people. You use a rubberstamp or any image of a regular person then use the postage stamp for their face. Three years ago while attending a rubberstamp show I found these tins full of stamps for five bucks each. In my bag they went. Never had a need for them until this.
What fun this will be. I will post them when I am done.
Saturday, April 5, 2008
Week 1 Card to Charlie
A wonderful man needs your help

One of the ladies that is in my online art group called an affair with art sent this email to the group. It brought tears to my eyes and I know that it will yours as well. If you have a moment or two and could send this man a card I know he would be ever so pleased. He only has a few more weeks on this earth let's all make these last few weeks his very best ever.
I know I have made a commitment to myself that every week I will send him a card and a few crisp one dollar bills so he can have his coffee in the diner. My uncle Donnie was like Charles and I know how he felt when he got mail in his name. He could always read his name and when I was young and stayed with Grandma and Donnie ( he could never live on his own) he would always say look Bonica ( he couldn't say Veronica) see it's my name D.O.N.N.I.E.
So with tears in my eyes I am cutting and pasting this email
Will you help????? Please.....
Please email me at VRosenshein@aol.com for his address. I have received several requests but am unable to get back to you via blogger for some reason. So, please email me.
We will have a follow up blog from his sister Mary Lynn shortly.
Hello members. I want to tell you about my brother, Charles. Charles is 58, and mentally challenged. He lives in a home with 5 other "family" members in San Antonio. It was his choice to move to SA many years ago to be near some of his friends. He just loves to work. He has worked in the shelters before, but he wasn't happy doing that kind of work. He had a job with What a Burger, and at his store he was named employee of the year, but then after waiting for a long time, he finally got on at his "dream job" -- The car wash.
Like I said, he loves his job. He does backbreaking vacuuming of the cars, and drying the cars all day long. It doesn't matter if it's near freezing or 105 (which it gets here sometimes) - he is on the job, and doing his best. His boss said that Charles is an inspiration to everyone there, and that he has taught all of the new hires not only how to do their job, but how to be at work on time, in clean clothes, with a smile on their face every day, and do a good day's work, and not to leave until all the work is done. I am so proud of my brother. He has never been a burden to anyone in his family. Instead he is the joy in our lives.
He was doing well, and everything was going great until one day in October. I got a call from Charles' house mother who said that he had broken his arm, and was at the hospital. So my sister Jeannie and I jumped in the car and went down to SA, about a 4.5 to 6 hour drive depending on the traffic. When we got there Charles was in his chair in the living room at his house. He was pretty dopey, and he had his arm in a sling. So, we went to talk to the house mom. She told us that the doctors were not able to set Charles' arm because the break was caused by a tumor on the bone. We continued to talk, and the next day we went with Charles to an oncology doctor. She said that from the xrays she could see that Charles had some form of cancer. As I'm sure you can imagine, we were devastated! We didn't let on to Charles because we didn't want to upset him. The next week the doctor did an biopsy, and sent him to another specialist. Charles has multiple myeloma, which is cancer of the blood, and the cells attach themselves to the bone marrow, and also spread to other organs. They found that he has a large mass at the end of his spine, and that the cancer is in his liver also.
We were told then that Charles only has about 6 months to live, and that it was too late to start any type of treatment plan. He did have a few radiation treatments where the cancer is on the bones so that it will help to prevent them from breaking. His arm cannot heal, and he wears a brace under his clothes to hold his shoulder and arm in place, and then a sling to help support his arm. But he never complains. He is on a really good pain prevention plan, and he is still mobile, but he uses a wheel chair when he goes out.
He wanted to come home for Christmas and we made it fine. Then he wanted to come home for the Easter bunny. He loves to fly home (and he works and pays for his on plane tickets), but the doctor won't allow him to, so usually I go get him, since Sis is at work, and I am retired. I went down on Thursday, and it was a long drive back for him this time, and he was very tired when we got here. He ate just a snack, and took his meds and went to bed. The next day he was in better spirits, and talking about the Easter bunny, and the eggs. We had a wonderful Easter, and he got a big basket from the bunny filled with all kinds of snacks and candies, and crackers, etc. We had a huge ham for lunch, and Charles really ate.
We took Charles back home on Monday, and again he was tired, but really feeling weak. Sis and I decided that Charles can't make it back here again in the car. Since October, we have gone down to SA every other weekend if things are going OK, or we go every week, sometimes twice a week to see about him, or to see his doctors or the company that owns Charles' home.
I am asking you for something. First, your prayers for Charles that he never has to suffer any pain, and that he slips away in his sleep. We did have to tell Charles that he has cancer, but that doesn't mean anything to him. He knows that I lost my husband to cancer, but Charles doesn't understand death. We told him that one day he would go see mom and dad again, and Perlow (that's what he always called my husband).
The second thing that I am asking you for is a card sent to my brother. Charles loves to get mail, and he can't count money, but if you send him a dollar he will be happiest man on earth. His bank account is low because he hasn't been working, not that he wants for anything, but he really loves a dollar in his wallet, and he will go with a worker from the home to drink coffee at Denny's or to get a Coke. He loves coffee. Charles is a cowboy. He lives for western movies, and Walker, Texas Ranger, but now he watches Gibbs on NCIS too. He thinks the Dallas Cowboys are the greatest, and he doesn't care if they win or loose, he just likes to watch them. He has always worn books, a western hat, and a western belt with a nice big buckle, and sometimes he will wear his bolo tie, his turquoise ring, and his sheriff's badge.
Well, this must be the world's longest email, but I really wanted you to know that there is this wonderful man out there that really cares about things, and loves people. If you don't have an extra dollar, that's OK. He is fine without it, but I hope you can send him a card or a note just to say hi, and if you don't have the time right now to send a card, then would you please just take a second and say a little prayer for the greatest brother in the world, Charles.
Like I said, he loves his job. He does backbreaking vacuuming of the cars, and drying the cars all day long. It doesn't matter if it's near freezing or 105 (which it gets here sometimes) - he is on the job, and doing his best. His boss said that Charles is an inspiration to everyone there, and that he has taught all of the new hires not only how to do their job, but how to be at work on time, in clean clothes, with a smile on their face every day, and do a good day's work, and not to leave until all the work is done. I am so proud of my brother. He has never been a burden to anyone in his family. Instead he is the joy in our lives.
He was doing well, and everything was going great until one day in October. I got a call from Charles' house mother who said that he had broken his arm, and was at the hospital. So my sister Jeannie and I jumped in the car and went down to SA, about a 4.5 to 6 hour drive depending on the traffic. When we got there Charles was in his chair in the living room at his house. He was pretty dopey, and he had his arm in a sling. So, we went to talk to the house mom. She told us that the doctors were not able to set Charles' arm because the break was caused by a tumor on the bone. We continued to talk, and the next day we went with Charles to an oncology doctor. She said that from the xrays she could see that Charles had some form of cancer. As I'm sure you can imagine, we were devastated! We didn't let on to Charles because we didn't want to upset him. The next week the doctor did an biopsy, and sent him to another specialist. Charles has multiple myeloma, which is cancer of the blood, and the cells attach themselves to the bone marrow, and also spread to other organs. They found that he has a large mass at the end of his spine, and that the cancer is in his liver also.
We were told then that Charles only has about 6 months to live, and that it was too late to start any type of treatment plan. He did have a few radiation treatments where the cancer is on the bones so that it will help to prevent them from breaking. His arm cannot heal, and he wears a brace under his clothes to hold his shoulder and arm in place, and then a sling to help support his arm. But he never complains. He is on a really good pain prevention plan, and he is still mobile, but he uses a wheel chair when he goes out.
He wanted to come home for Christmas and we made it fine. Then he wanted to come home for the Easter bunny. He loves to fly home (and he works and pays for his on plane tickets), but the doctor won't allow him to, so usually I go get him, since Sis is at work, and I am retired. I went down on Thursday, and it was a long drive back for him this time, and he was very tired when we got here. He ate just a snack, and took his meds and went to bed. The next day he was in better spirits, and talking about the Easter bunny, and the eggs. We had a wonderful Easter, and he got a big basket from the bunny filled with all kinds of snacks and candies, and crackers, etc. We had a huge ham for lunch, and Charles really ate.
We took Charles back home on Monday, and again he was tired, but really feeling weak. Sis and I decided that Charles can't make it back here again in the car. Since October, we have gone down to SA every other weekend if things are going OK, or we go every week, sometimes twice a week to see about him, or to see his doctors or the company that owns Charles' home.
I am asking you for something. First, your prayers for Charles that he never has to suffer any pain, and that he slips away in his sleep. We did have to tell Charles that he has cancer, but that doesn't mean anything to him. He knows that I lost my husband to cancer, but Charles doesn't understand death. We told him that one day he would go see mom and dad again, and Perlow (that's what he always called my husband).
The second thing that I am asking you for is a card sent to my brother. Charles loves to get mail, and he can't count money, but if you send him a dollar he will be happiest man on earth. His bank account is low because he hasn't been working, not that he wants for anything, but he really loves a dollar in his wallet, and he will go with a worker from the home to drink coffee at Denny's or to get a Coke. He loves coffee. Charles is a cowboy. He lives for western movies, and Walker, Texas Ranger, but now he watches Gibbs on NCIS too. He thinks the Dallas Cowboys are the greatest, and he doesn't care if they win or loose, he just likes to watch them. He has always worn books, a western hat, and a western belt with a nice big buckle, and sometimes he will wear his bolo tie, his turquoise ring, and his sheriff's badge.
Well, this must be the world's longest email, but I really wanted you to know that there is this wonderful man out there that really cares about things, and loves people. If you don't have an extra dollar, that's OK. He is fine without it, but I hope you can send him a card or a note just to say hi, and if you don't have the time right now to send a card, then would you please just take a second and say a little prayer for the greatest brother in the world, Charles.
If you can send a card to him please post and I will email you his direct address so that you can send him a card. Doesn't have to be home made at all..... He would love any card.
By far the most amazing mail day ever
But my favorite part of today was the pictures of my Grandma
Long story short there are times my Grandmother and I are very close what is weird is that my grandmother has been gone for 13 years. There was always a closeness with my Grandma that I just always knew my Grandma would always be there even in death. I had asked my Mother if she had any pictures of my Grandma and as luck would have it she did. So, my Mother made copies of pictures and sent them to me.
They arrived today with my http://www.ktcrafts.com/ order.
The start of my Altered Book
I belong to this online art group called an affair with art. We are having an altered art book swap and my theme is lodge.
So here are the beginnings of my book.
A great Mail Day
From Joann.com I got my utee flex pellets... this will make my utee more flexible so I can make stuff with it. I got some molding stuff too. You can use a dolls face or whatever to make a mold to pour the utee flex into. Also got some rubon alphabets and a heidi swapp destination stamp.
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