Okay so as I have said many times I am an Audrey Hepburn FAN. I asked Rick for Audrey Hepburn stuff this year for Christmas and this is what I got

This will hang in my new studio as soon as we move to Nags Head, N.C. in March

Breakfast at Tiffanys remastered... nothing like the black and white but still awesome. I think I will buy the black and white version for Valentine's day. I am so glad I have this one it is a two disc set.
Audrey Hepburn coffee mug, coaster and tin
Audrey Hepburn purse
And my Pashima scarf 100% cashmere.... oh yeah

This really awesome Audrey Hepburn book that I can make atc's with
And of course this freakin awesome blade for the Kitchenaid mixer that he bought me last month.
A hot hair brush curling iron
and a gift certificate for a Cuttlebug yet he said Cuddlebug so not only do I get a Cuttlebug but I will get to Cuddle anytime I want with my little bug...aka Rick.
So that was the booty this year
Tons of cooking and baking things from my associates
and of course I got many gift cards for various craft stores and two frilly aprons. I think everyone has me pegged by now.
Merry Christmas everyone