Check out this little guy can you believe only $1.20 cents for the SVG file reg. 2.00
So hurry on over and check it out and tell Dina that Veronica sent you

I bet some of you are thinking what is SCAL? well, I know I did. Now I know that SCAL is short for Sure Cuts A Lot and boy does it ever.
For those of you who have been following for a time you know that last year Rick surprised me with a Cricut Expression for Christmas. I have bought oh 20 cartridges for it and I was thinking boy it sure gets expensive buying these cartridges that cut oh maybe 75-100 images. There must be a better way......
Duh and I mean Duh
over at http://www.cropstop.com/ we were chatting and Elaine said you need SCAL well after a week of her trying to explain it to me I bought it and wow. Wait I didn't say that loud enough WOW WOW WOW not only can you search the web for free files but you can also buy files and some of them just take your breath away. HERE is one such place and I will be putting her site on my side bar for future use.
Treasure Box Designs and what a treasure they are and now they are 40% off but hurry because I don't know how long they will be on sale. Dina is amazing I tell you forget spending tons of money on cartridges where you will only use a few go here first.
Now you must have SCAL program for the SVG files but she also has files to download for DIGI stamps too.
So hurry on over and check it out and tell Dina that Veronica sent you
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