so first I added distressed inks to my canvas then you let that dry and paint on a really thin coat of beeswax. Next add some tissue paper I used pieces of a pattern that Toni sent to me. Lightly coat that with beeswax. Then you use hinges and put two together but since I didn't get the exact effect I wanted I am making two different ones instead of one. May be blog candy....hum

next I painted a D that I found at Michaels for .99 cents and some letters and some other findings with hot glue. I used the paris stamp that Miss T sent to me. Hope you like it

So, even after talking with Tim I still can't find unprimed canvases anywhere. Even the site he sent me too didn't have the size I needed so I used a primed canvas. You don't get the effect that you want but...... overall it really isn't that bad is it?
I think it turned out just terrific Veronica. Sometimes we all just need to make do with what we have.I loved using the beeswax at his class,I love anything to do with bees,especially honey. The vintage pattern papers were so neat to use on there too.
Oh thank you so much Denise. I just hated that the colors turned out kinda muddy. On his it wsa so crisp and beautiful. I am so over trying to find unprimed canvases this is crazy. There has to be an easier way. Did he give you a website or anything on where to buy the unprimed canvas?
You really need a blog too so Toni and I can see your stuff. We would be your first visitors. lol
I agree with Denise. I haven't seen the DVD so I don't have any preconceived mental picture. I think it's stunning. I smell ETSY, forget blog candy!!! Denise, go to Pyzam.com and pick yourself a blog layout, then get back with Miss V (my blog advisor) and she can get you going in 2 shakes!!!
Veronica I even emailed Rex Art today as they have the 4 X 4 unprimed listed but they emailed me back later and said they are no longer available.
Some where in this house I probably have the info from Tim but I have no idea where,hubby is making me a craft room and my stuff is stacked everywhere.
Thank you so much for trying to help me. I am so over spending countless hours on google trying to find these.
Toni is right if you want a blog honey I can set you up in two seconds and have you blogging and posting in a sec. PROMISE
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