Friday, March 27, 2009

Just to prove

These are two pictures of me as a child. When I found these they were totally destroyed. They had watermarks, smudges, wrinkles etc all over them. I asked my friend Patty
over at if she could some how fix them for me. I wasn't expecting much to be honest but look at what she did. So, my friends seriously if you haven't been over to see Patty you need to go today. If you need your photos fixed she does that too for a very small fee.


Linda . J said...

Veronica these are so cute and after what you said about them, your friend did a fantastic job on restoring them for you.
Hugs Linda

Carla said...

OH!! So sweet and pretty then, just like now!!

Unknown said...

Very cool! So glad you were able to save them! Such sweet pictures of you, too!

Hope you stop on by for my 1st Blogoversary/100th post celebration! I'm even having a giveaway! Do come on over! Everyone is invited!!! :)

Barbra Joan said...

You've been given an award by me so come on over to pick it up.

Carolina said...

Wow - these look amazing! So glad your friend was able to restore them for about blessings!