Sunday, April 24, 2011

This week

First was a cool case for the new Ipod touch Rick bought me. I love purple Next this little dolly I love.... I just had to have her to remind me that Rick and I will be heading to Paris

Grace by Philosophy While this isn't my favorite it is nice. I am in love with Inner Grace by Philosophy and this is pure grace and amazing grace shower gel, bubble bath.

At work they had this really neat Kindle carrying case for your Kindle. I saw the yellow and knew it had to come home with me. A bargin for 7.99

Rick bought a case just like this except it wasn't lighted for my Kindle when I got it at Christmas. The Kindle kept resetting itself or would just turn off on it's own. I called Amazon and they refunded the price of the case plus gave me a $25.00 gift card to purchase the new lighted case. I guess there was an issue with the metal on the first edition cases. So, now I have this new case with a built in light. I didn't realize just how much I would use the light but now when I can't sleep instead of waking up Rick I just reach over and grab Kindle then read for a little bit.

This week I received some neat stuff in the mail. I also went shopping at work and found some awesome deals. More details to follow. Gosh it feels good to blog again

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