Sunday, October 24, 2010

Blogs of Note

Wow, where does the time go? In just a few months it will be the two year anniversary of being chosen as a blog of note. Wow....imagine my surprise to wake up, log on and see that in one day I had over 25 thousand visitors. It has been a wild ride that is for sure.
I have been able to share my art with the world, introduce my amazing husband to everyone here ( his blog was also chosen as blog of note just a month prior to mine) and share with everyone our travels.
There have been tons of bumps along the way...... Rick's scare with this health, the death of a good friend and then of course my getting sick every time flu season comes around ( even with flu shots)
My getting stranded in Boston due to a major snow storm that shut down the entire east coast, the hurricanes ( yes plural)
You have been here to share surprises I have received from my darling husband, you have been here to share many things and I have received many great pieces of art from friends on here and many of you have received pieces of my art.

So here we are almost three years of, where does the time go?
I have often thought of opening my own website but someone seems to have taken

What is ahead you may ask?
Well, more art that is for sure
I am sure more travel as Rick is looking for Italy or Ireland next year
More fun things that Rick and I love to share
But I do hope you will stick around for the next three years with me

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