Here is a short explanation. I would be happy to help anyone who needs help in doing this.
First you must have your current blogger template set to minima. I use minima orchre.
Then go here and pick out your favorite background. On the left hand side you will see a catagory for backgrounds. Currently cutestblogontheblock has 350 backgrounds. Then click on the background you like. A paragraph will be under the background that looks something like this.
it will start with style type then a bunch of symbols etc
hightlight that and click on copy. Then go back to your blog and click on layout then click on add a gadget, then click on html for the new gadget. In the top box it says name or something like that maybe title anyway leave that blank. In the box under it paste the code you just copied from cutest blog. Click save and then click on view blog..... and whatta you know? You have a beautiful blog background. Next week I will tell you how to add all the fun gadgets and slide shows. I can even help you add a mp3 player to play on your blog.
GOOD LUCK and don't forget I am here if you need help. It may take a day or two to get back to you but I will. This is my weekend to work so it may be a few days.

oh, I love your new background and want to be the first one to say so.! YAAAA! Its so you.... happy !
Barbra joan
i like the cutest blog on the blog also and i learnt a lot from there. There is that will show you more and more tricks and tips about blogging. Don't forget about in this link you can upload ur own background like i did with my blog. I like art also, really nice to find ur blog on blog notes, keep it up. Ur blog is lovely.
really nice~!
thanks for the teaching~~~~ ^^
have a nice day~!!!
thanks for the visit! I did see cutest blog on the block but didn't realize that they just had backgrounds. I'm always making my own and it gives me a headache.
So glad you liked the fish! Christi is a sweetheart and believe it or not, she's going to teach a steampunk Rhino at my site. It is too cute for words.
Looking forward to more learning here at your blog.
Thanks for sharing this. I'm really interested in adding an mp3 to my blog, so I'll be checking back.
Veronica as usual your blog is wonderful. And I'm going to try using the suggestions you made as I will Rzya's. Thanks so much ladies for sharing your knowledge of blogging stuff. I'm so new to this and so far my postings are not arranged in any order...still not able to figure how to do that. Any suggestions how I can put all my poetry in one place I would appreciate hearing from you.
Till then, have a wonderful wonderful today and all the new today's to come!
Hi Veronica I think your blog is stunning and I have left you an award on my blog.
Hugs Linda
your blog does have a truly unique look; thx for the link/lead
Hi!!!! Nice blog and beautiful art!
I like your blog!
Keep it up!
Hi Veronica: My name is Laurie and I'm new toblogging. Any tips. I'd love to search other people with my same interests. Crafting, crafting, selling crafts online. I already found cutest blog. Just sayin hi. I also sell on etsy. Maybe I'll here from you. Thanks, Laurie
Hi Veronica, I'm so glad I found your site. I'm new to blogging and appreciate the tips you and some of your followers have provided. I'm trying to see as many artists as I can and you have met so many. thanks again, Christine
Oh, I love your blog. I am a very big fan of polka dots (which you might notice if you take a look at my blog).I would like to know: How did you get your signature?
Thanks for sharing that info ~ so much to learn in the "electronic highway" ~ nice to know you are there to check in with ~ Thanks for being you ~
hugs and namaste,
Carol (artmusedog)
Cutest blog sent me to webfetti. Do i need to download this program? I'm afraid to download since the last virus I received from doing so.
Thank you so much for teaching us how to update our blogs! I just put on my new background, and I am so happy with the look - and I love how yours looks, too! :)
I keep trying to put on a new background and it stays the same I do exactly what you said to do and even what the site says to do (which is the same as what you said) and it doesnt change it from my old background yes I hit save and all that but nothing changes
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