Go here http://www.mylivesignature.com/mls_wizard1_1.php
then type in the little box what you want your signature to say.
for this sample I am typing in
All my best Veronica
then click on next
you will have your choice of over 100 fonts then click on your font that you want.
for this sample I chose number 100 then click on next
Now you get to chose your size. for this sample I chose size two
click on next
Now you will chose your color... I liked the blue so I chose number 6 now click on next
Now you will chose your slope. I wanted this one to be even so I chose number 1
click on next
Now you are done
you will come to a page that has a bunch of buttons and under those buttons it says
want to use this signature? click on that
a new window will pop up that says html or bb click on generate html
then click on generate code for your signature
you will then see a box with your signature in it and below it is the html code.
Save the code to a word document...
then whenever you make a post just go the word document and copy it then paste it into your post.
And tada there you have it

see how easy that was..... Friday I will tell you how to put an MP3 player on your blog.
Help! I came across your blog last week...went over to cutest blogs on the block...tried to change my background-its all messed up! I cant seem to make my posts fit in the desired middle section and I dont know why! Any advice you can offer would be super awesome-love your blog by the way!-Shannon
Hello Veronica. If you have the time, which I doubt, would you please take a look at my blog? I can not get my header to center on my blog.I would gladly go to a smaller size print if it would center, but I don't know what to change. I am going to try the signature now, and thanks for doing these mini tutorials! Hugs to you,
Hey how ya been? Thanks bunches for the info on the siggy. I made one.
You Rock women! :)
Hi Veronica! I'll have to try doing this! I was also trying to figure out how to do a cute custom blinkie today but gave up! lol ... Thx for this info.
Okay, where's the crop and stop? Is that online?
Hey, thanks for the siggy tip, LOL! I just might go and try that out! :)
Thank you so much. Clearest instructions I've ever seen to add something to my blog. I'm very computer challenged so to find someone who explains it so well is such a bonus. Thanks again.
Thank you SO SO much for that! I love the touch that a signature makes on a blog!
So cool! Thank you again! I think I'm actually starting to catch up with my two teenagers!! They'll be amazed at my new found skills!! :)
Hi Veronica, been using some of your fantastic advice today - thank u so much! But I changed my template to minima and now I can't get paragraph spaces / line breaks in my latest post, so that it all looks bunched up and terrible. I've tried changing my settings but can't work out what I need to do. Pls can you help?
I got your comment to email you-thank you! I did finally figure out that if I changed my header size-the rest would follow-thankfully! I am now trying to add more to the good old blog-really snaz it up-so I will be back to learn more from you! Thank you so much-it was very kind of you to respond so quickly to my panic....I appreciate it :-)
I've been meaning to do this. So today was the day- thanks to you explaining it in simple terms.
I wanted my signature to be in my handwriting so I took a digital photo of my siggy. Now I can upload it into the posts just like a regular image. I like my signature and it seemed faster too.
Next I am going to change my background using the link you posted.
It is very thoughtful of you to share these tutorials. Thank you!!
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