The title of his creation was She Dreams of Paris..... Toni loves Anise Nin so Big Daddy added a little of her into this

So can you see the chef with a french menu on his hand, or the feet saying you are here, or the french post card behind the embossed vellum door? or the poly clay woman or the amazing ballerina collage did you see the french poodle on the bag? A lot of thought and work went into this piece.... Big Daddy thinks the world of my sis.
Here you go now you can see it. What looks like water is really a resin that "sets" everything in place. Toni can use it as a breakfast tray, a piece of art, she can put it on her wall, she can put her art supplies on it or whatever she wants.
Toni, this is for you
Oh my wordy this is sooo cool!! good job Mr. V :)
Wow, lots of work in that! Ill be Toni will be excited!
WOW WOW WOW! Its gorgeous.. He has talent!! VERY nice!!
Toni is over the moon. Still. I have the tray here at work with me so I can study it, fondle it, sniff it (ooh la la that resin!). This is just such a personalized-to-me piece with still 1,000% creativity & originality from Rick in how he altered everything. I hope he's going to continue. I'll be nagging him, no doubt about it!
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