Thursday, January 29, 2009

What I love

I love my darling husband Rick
My best friend sister Toni
and a few other things.....
Today is a self portrait.
There will be a few more canvas postings in the next few days....they are pay it forwards and I want to make sure the people that they are going to get them first before I post. Anyway enjoy today's posting .... I made this last year and have learned a little in the last year.


~Thought's By Dena~/ JDs Gift Shack said...

This is again so AWESOME....I love your talent!!!! Keep sharing it. by the way did you see that I posted some snow just for you???

Breanna said...

Wow, I love your art! Thanks for sharing.


keb said...

nice collection of art! nice blog too! if you do have time, please visit my blog at


Anonymous said...

'Tis the first time I checked your blog and I love it. been wanting to start a scrapbook for me and hubby but has got no idea where to start, now seeing your blog gave me sorts of ideas how to make one :)

Anonymous said...

Great Blog!!

Anonymous said...

Keep up your artistic talents.. and surely you'll go further in this line...

Anonymous said...

hai un bellissimo blog, complimenti!
ti lascio un saluto dall'Italia, ciao

Anonymous said...




Linda . J said...

Very nice work Veronica, once again you have been busy and an insperation to us all.
Hugs Linda